Adopting nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction in Latin America
Practical Action Latin America (Soluciones Prácticas), as part of the Zurich Flood Resilience Program, sought to collect evidence of examples using nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction in Latin America and convenes a platform for regional knowledge exchange and learning. This working document is a collaborative effort between WWF, IUCN and Practical Action as a result of the Latin America Regional Workshop entitled “Towards nature-based solutions: Green infrastructure for flood risk reduction”, that took place on 11-12 December 2017 in Lima, Peru. Based on the experiences presented at the workshop and the discussions held around them, this document provides key messages on the opportunities that nature-based solutions provide to address flood risk. It advocates for the need of adaptive governance as well as collaborative work to address flood-related challenges through responsible ecosystem management. In addition, the document seeks to facilitate knowledge generation and uptake at a regional scale to strengthen regional, national and local flood resilience.