Demonstrating evidence on Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Ilieva, Lili

The Community of Practice on Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Latin America and the Caribbean South-South cooperation has a catalytic potential to address climate change by improving collaboration, knowledge generation and exchange. It further enables the transfer of technology to support effective adaptation practices. Developing countries depend to a large extent on the ecosystems and the services they provide. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is emerging as a potential response to climate change and a key pillar for sustainable development. UN Environment Programme under the Regional Portal for the Transfer of Technology and Action on Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean (REGATTA) recognises the need for collective learning on EbA. Together with the support of the Government of Spain, and in collaboration with Practical Action Latin America, was established the bilingual knowledge platform and the EbA Community of Practice for Latin America and the Caribbean ( The EbA Community of Practice launched in critical years for the climate negotiations (2014 -2015), so it took advantage of a crucial moment to develop a South-South collaboration network in promoting the inclusion and visibility of the EbA approach. This interaction at a regional scale improve learning opportunities for the development, transfer and diffusion of knowledge and technology. Moreover, it is a crucial factor in resilience building and strengthening of adaptation capacities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Since its initiation, the goal of the EbA Community of Practice is to establish a regional network of professionals to share success stories and lessons learned from the implementation of EbA measures. The Community of Practice is designed with two main objectives: (1) to support a learning process and sharing of knowledge about EbA in Latin America and the Caribbean, and (2) to provide a framework for the creation of networks among professionals and organizations in the region. In 2017, the EbA Community of Practice launched the regional contest entitled “Demonstration of evidence on Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Case studies in Latin America and the Caribbean”, based on defined evaluation criteria and eligibility requirements. Its purpose was to identify cases of EbA, which contribute to the resilience and adaptation of communities and ecosystems to climate change. Ten case studies from across the region were selected to share the evidence of the effectiveness of EbA measures in improving the climate resilience of human livelihoods. The case studies further highlight the challenges and lessons learned from these experiences.